Understanding how your farm business finances are performing is integral to being able to make smart decisions relating to the activities that you carry out in your farming operation. While the profit and loss statements and balance sheets included in your tax return provide important figures for the operation of your farm business, the financial data that they provide can be broken down even further to provide more meaningful information which can be used to assess the performance of your farm business finances over time.
Growers generally have an idea as to where their business is heading however this vision or concept is often not shared, verbalised or documented. The Hort360 Better Business module provides you with a business plan that will enable you to bring all concerned to the same page while providing a platform for future development.
Farming and Agriculture: What you should know about the PPSR
Farm Gross Margin and Enterprise Planning Guide 2017
GRDC Farm Business Management Checklist
GRDC Farm Business Management Effective Business Planning
How do I write an emergency management plan?
How to set goals and objectives for your business
Partial Factor Productivity within the Australian Vegetable Industry
Succession plan template and guide
Users guide to gross margin financial analysis tools (August 2014)