Water is a major input resource in all horticultural operations. Irrigation management practices have the potential to strongly influence both the quantity and quality of crop produced. In many cases, water is both a limited and limiting resource to horticultural production. However, the ability to irrigate does not automatically guarantee profitability and long term sustainability of horticultural farms. Inappropriate or inefficient irrigation practices may lead to crop stress, disease and / or loss, as well as groundwater and surface water contamination, erosion or salinity problems.
Calculating Distribution Uniformity
Drip line maintenance – Acid Treatment
Drip line maintenance – Chlorination
Drip line maintenance – Line Flushing
Filtration options for micro irrigation systems
Water Quality for Micro-Irrigation Maintenance
Travelling gun irrigation system
Handshift and solid set sprinkler irrigation systems
Travelling boom irrigation systems
Tree/vine micro-irrigation with overlap of water from emitters along the row
Tree/vine micro-irrigation without overlap of water from emitters along the row
Row crop micro irrigation, with water overlap
Row crop micro irrigation, without water overlap
Drip and micro systems – catch can trials
Lateral moves and low pressure booms – catch can trials
Measuring flow rates in micro-irrigation systems
Solid set and handshift systems – catch can trials
Travelling guns – catch can trials
Travelling guns – gun rotation angle effects
Wind effects on the performance of travelling guns
Converting readily available water to hours of irrigation – drip systems
Basic design requirements for irrigation systems
Pump efficiency – Bore Electric
Pump efficiency – Centrifugal Diesel
Pump efficiency – Centrifugal Electric
Pump efficiency costs – Diesel
Pump efficiency costs – Electric
Pump Efficiency Factors and Costs
Reading engine performance curves
Reading pump performance curves
Irrigation System Design Guidelines
Agricultural Usage – Compost Tea
Choosing a soil-water monitoring tool
Calculating Soil Water and Readily Available Water (RAW)
Measuring soil water infiltration
Positioning of soil-water monitoring tool
Soil conservation planning in cropping lands
Soil Water Monitoring Case Studies
Soil moisture monitoring tube installation
Common Irrigation Unit Conversions
Understanding the annual growth cycle of citrus
List of Queensland manufacturers in the horticulture industry