Nutrients are an important input for optimising crop yield and maintaining the productive capacity of your paddock. Nutrition management practices have the potential to strongly influence both the quantity and quality of crop produced as well as minimising the risk of land degradation and improving the natural productivity of the soil.
Getting the soil and nutrients balanced correctly is a constantly changing operation with adaptive management the key to achieving a good result. Inappropriate or inefficient practices can lead to a higher risk of crop failure due to salinity, sodicity, acidic soils, groundwater and surface water contamination, erosion and involves wasting money and resources among others.
The Hort360 Nutrient module aims to help you maximise your yield whilst reducing unnecessary inputs. Hort360 will show you the risks you face on your farm from sub-optimal nutrient management and how tackling these issues can lead to greater profitability.
Fertigation Compatibility and Solubility
Fertigation System Performance
Adoption of variable rate technology in Queensland’s intensive vegetable production systems
Queensland Agriculture, 12/01/2016, “Prescription mapping for variability in vegetables”
HortSMART, 16/9/2015, “Yield mapping and monitoring of Queensland vegetable crops”
HortSMART, 07/09/2015, “Using technology to identify crop variability in vegetables”
A guide to nutrients in your landscape – Nutrients, Catchments and Reefs
Fertigation Compatibility and Solubility
Fertigation System Performance
Healthy Soils for Sustainable Vegetable Farms
Horticulture Soil Sampling Procedure
Soil health for vegetable production in Australia
Sustainable nutrient management
Sampling Procedure – Plant Tissue
Nutrient Management (Vegetables WA)
Fertiliser Information Collation